Master of Laws in International Business Law
“I have really enjoyed my course because of the mode of delivery. It gave me the opportunity to work and study in parallel without compromising on any of these. The forums that are animated by the lecturers for the various modules have been very engaging and enriching especially through the sharing of experiences from other classmates from other countries and professional background. The online research facilities provides by the college are really amazing with a wealth of materials. The more so the guidance of the lecturers are very important. In short the support provided by the platform is excellent ”

The MBA is the prime management qualification for managers. Designed for your success, the MBA creates distinctive managers with a comprehensive knowledge of the latest business practices. Public administration is increasingly growing in significance in all countries, driven by multiple factors such as higher spending on health, ageing populations, environmental/sustainability investments, and many other aspects, and public spending in most economies is taking an increasing percentage of GDP.  In addition, the public is becoming more demanding and looks for evidence from their politicians that “their” money is being spent wisely. Consequently, we are increasingly seeing managers moving from the private sector to the public, where their experience can be an asset in improving performance. MBA Public Administration therefore is aimed at students who come from a business background (unlike Master of Public Administration programmes which tend to emphasise career functionaries), with modules such as Organisational Behaviour, Data Analytics and Strategic Management, recognising the increasing importance of business skills within public administration, combined with comprehensive knowledge through modules such as political science and public policy analysis.

The MBA programmes benefit greatly from the internationality derived from recruiting students from across the globe, and drawing on tutors well qualified in their field.

Learn at Switzerland’s premier private college and graduate with students from over 130 different countries and from the University of Cumbria.

Study 100% ONLINE and graduate on Campus!

All graduates are invited to attend our graduation ceremony in Carlisle, England. You can check a video of the graduation ceremony here