Programme Aims
The overall aim of the MBA Educational Leadership programme is to provide you with the opportunity to engage in a Higher Education experience using a flexible and distributed learning approach that will enhance your ability to develop and lead a sustainability agenda that focuses on change in the financial sector. In particular this award will:
- Further develop relevant business, educational management and organisation knowledge, both academic and professional, in line with postgraduate standards/benchmarks;
- Develop critical reflection skills and engagement with organisational and professional theory to understand, and where appropriate, challenge existing individual and organisational perspectives and practices (with a particular focus on educational management and leadership);
- Develop, and where appropriate apply, new knowledge to add value by enhancing organisational capability (within the Education industry);
- Develop understanding of an organisation’s strategic focus and environment, and the impact of the inter-relationship between the organisation’s resources and clients in the evolving global education environment;
- Develop commitment to continuous personal and professional development, independence and reflective learning;
- Develop particular expertise and understanding in the fields of education, business and management.